Saturday, May 31, 2014
Danna Cruzan - It's YOUR Time
Danna Cruzan - It's YOUR Time
Just 8 minutes to find out how to CHANGE your life and HELP others do the same. We are in a HUGE BEAST MODE 90 DAY RUN to get PEOPLE FREE!
You WANT to check this out and JOIN us NOW! Change your Life!
Be Who You Want to BE by doing what others won't do! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
Watch this 8 minute video about our company and who we are.
THEN watch this 7 minute video about our #90kin90days Project and you will be blown away!
How to you expect to hit a Grand Slam in life if you are not willing to step up to the plate and take some swings? We were all born with greatness in us, we just need to be open to it.
Ciao for Now ~ Simple FREEDOM!!!
Friday, May 30, 2014
Danna Cruzan ~ Paying it Forward
Danna Cruzan ~ Paying it Forward!
I really believe in Paying it Forward in life.
It really brings great rewards to help others. You wake up everday feeling so happy!
We've been keeping this tightly under wraps
but it's time to reveal CRITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS.
but it's time to reveal CRITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS.
You need to LISTEN TO THIS nOw.....
We're announcing things tonight that are going
to change the way this industry does business... again.
Click the link now. It's critical.
We're announcing things tonight that are going
to change the way this industry does business... again.
Click the link now. It's critical.
"Never Give Up on Your Dreams" ~ Danna Cruzan
Danna Cruzan ~ Saving and Editing Your You Tube Videos
Danna Cruzan ~ Saving and Editing Your You Tube Videos
In this video I will show you some tips for saving your videos so that they rank higher and how to do some editing as well.
I hope this tutorial gave you some value. If you have any questions on this content, please feel free to contact me.
Please like this video, leave a comment and subscribe to my Channel.
Have a great week!
Please visit for some exciting info for YOU on how all of us are attaining Simple Freedom. You will like it I guarantee it :)
Danna Cruzan ~ Saving and Editing Your You Tube Videos
Danna Cruzan ~ Saving and Editing Your You Tube Videos
In this video I will show you some tips for saving your videos so that they rank higher and how to do some editing as well.
I hope this tutorial gave you some value. If you have any questions on this content, please feel free to contact me.
Please like this video, leave a comment and subscribe to my Channel.
Have a great week!
Please visit for some exciting info for YOU on how all of us are attaining Simple Freedom. You will like it I guarantee it :)
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Danna Cruzan ~ How to Create an Event on Facebook
Danna Cruzan ~ How to Create an Event on Facebook
This tutorial shows how to create an Event on Facebook.
I hope this tutorial gave you some value. If you have any questions on this content, please feel free to contact me.
Please like this video, leave a comment and subscribe to my Channel.
Have a great week!
Please visit for some exciting info for YOU on how all of us are attaining Simple Freedom. You will like it I guarantee it :)
Monday, May 26, 2014
Pinterest Tips and Tricks (+playlist)
This tutorial shows how I use Pinterest for my Network Marketing and how you can use it as well.
I hope this tutorial gave you some value. If you have any questions on this content, please feel free to contact me.
Please like this video, leave a comment and subscribe to my Channel.
Have a great week!
Please visit for some exciting info for YOU on how all of us are attaining Simple Freedom. You will like it I guarantee it :)
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Paycheck to Paycheck???
"The only reason people live pay-check to pay-check...
for decades... is because they're saddled with debt." Franco
for decades... is because they're saddled with debt." Franco
Ross Jardine, author of "The 60-Day Money Miracle -
How to Crush Debt, Build Wealth and Retire Rich" joins the Simple Freedom team...
"Never Give Up on Your Dreams" ~ Danna Cruzan
Friday, May 23, 2014
The Stars Come Out Tonight!
I had the pleasure of being on The Smart Team Weekly Hangout tonite. We will be celebrating some of our rockstar teammates!
Thanks Ladies for letting me be a part of this!!!
I hope you all enjoyed this Hangout! If you have any questions on this content, please feel free to contact me.
Please like this video, leave a comment and subscribe to my Channel.
Have a great week!
Please visit for some exciting info for YOU on how all of us are attaining Simple Freedom. You will like it I guarantee it :)
"Never Give Up on Your Dreams" ~ Danna Cruzan
How to Use Linked In for Relationship Building & Marketing (+playlist)
Tutorial on how I use LinkedIn. I really like this site as there is no limit on messaging or adding contacts. In this video I show you how I move around in LinkedIn to build relationships and market my business.
A short tutorial on how I use Google+ to grow my contacts and relationships.
I hope this tutorial gave you some value. If you have any questions on this content, please feel free to contact me.
Please like this video, leave a comment and subscribe to my Channel.
Have a great week!
Please visit for some exciting info for YOU on how all of us are attaining Simple Freedom. You will like it I guarantee it :)
"Never Give Up on Your Dreams" ~ Danna Cruzan
Thursday, May 22, 2014
More than just a pretty face.....
Hey there! It's Danna!!!
You know the saying "I'm more than just a pretty face"?
Well, I was joking about that the other day, and talking to someone about
the WakeUpNow business.
I realized, "hey, we're not just a pretty face"
What I mean by that is yeah, we are helping people at breakneck speed to create fantastic residual incomes (the team has passed $1 million in residuals earned just since February) but we have an even bigger mission that you may not realize.
You see, we're on a mission to help create financial wellness.
The average american has over $15k in credit card debt alone. That's not including mortgages and student loans.
It's a big issue.
And here's what no one is telling you.
You can join program after program, but if you keep spending and you don't get your financial house in order, you will NEVER reach the freedom lifestyle you want.
We held a special hangout the other night talking more about the Wake Up Now Products and how not only we can help create residual incomes but we can also tackle this debt issue for millions of Americans!
You can watch it here: Product Training
After you watch that, get back to me....
Let's talk about getting you started.
Every day you wait is a day you could be creating this financial wellness for your family and other families you care about.
If you're ready to just get going, then just click here and get started at the platinum level.
Once you do that, be sure and send me an email and add me on FB so I can plug you into our team site and start your training right away!
"Never Give Up on Your Dreams" ~ Danna Cruzan
These cats were on FIYAAA....
Why are you on my list??
Think about it... You're probably here to learn how to make money online and quit your job in the corporate pyramid scheme. One of the most powerful things about our Simple Freedom Team Build is all of the NEWBIES we have WINNING. Tune in to this recorded hangout that just finished up a couple of minutes ago and realize that these folks are... JUST LIKE YOU. They're not Goo-Roo's... They're just regular cats who caught our vision and decided to run to freedom with us. Discover their story here: We're building freedom stories on a daily basis now. Join us today and let's build yours too.
"Never Give Up on Your Dreams" ~ Danna Cruzan
Why I Use Bitly for My Marketing Links
Using Bitly for your marketing links you share on social media gives you the ability to track your posts. Tracking different types of posts i.e. video, image, straight text, etc. helps you to see what works and what doesn't. The stats provided with Bitly also show you where you are getting action and from what countries.
I hope this tutorial gave you some value. If you have any questions on this content, please feel free to contact me.
Please like this video, leave a comment and subscribe to my Channel.
Have a great week!
Please visit for some exciting info for YOU on how all of us are attaining Simple Freedom. You will like it I guarantee it :)
Google Plus Tips for YOU!
A short tutorial on how I use Google+ to grow my contacts and relationships.
I hope this tutorial gave you some value. If you have any questions on this content, please feel free to contact me.
Please like this video, leave a comment and subscribe to my Channel.
Have a great week!
Please visit for some exciting info for YOU on how all of us are attaining Simple Freedom. You will like it I guarantee it :)
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
This is urgent. Open if you have no time for a learning curve...
Hey there it's Danna!
Look, I'm not going to bore you
with the usual, "over the top" guru
email hype...
Look, I'm not going to bore you
with the usual, "over the top" guru
email hype...
Frankly, there's no time for nonsense
here and I'm focused on helping you
here and I'm focused on helping you
create residual results fast.
If you're at the point where you have
no time for any learning curve, click
here and watch this video:
no time for any learning curve, click
here and watch this video:
Can You Share This Simple Video with Others?
Sharing this Video is a Simple System You Can Use
to Build a Lucrative Business From Home
Sharing this Video is a Simple System You Can Use
to Build a Lucrative Business From Home
This is the simplest way I can show
you that works to get results in your pocket.
Any questions, don't hesitate to call me.
We can get so much done faster with
a 5 minute phone call.
Talk soon,
you that works to get results in your pocket.
Any questions, don't hesitate to call me.
We can get so much done faster with
a 5 minute phone call.
Talk soon,
P.S. For the serious person who is
focused on building a full time level
stream WITHOUT any hassles, read on...
I have a fun and simple way to build
this. It's inside my simple special report here:
That super short report gives you
a plan to generate results with us
without the hassles.
Call me after you read that if you
have any questions. WUN is a simple
program and Simple Freedom is a team
that focuses on your education, training,
support and being there to build with you.
focused on building a full time level
stream WITHOUT any hassles, read on...
I have a fun and simple way to build
this. It's inside my simple special report here:
That super short report gives you
a plan to generate results with us
without the hassles.
Call me after you read that if you
have any questions. WUN is a simple
program and Simple Freedom is a team
that focuses on your education, training,
support and being there to build with you.
To Help People Make Money Online It Must Be Simple
If it’s Not Simple It Won’t Work
When You Keep it Simple Many People can Succeed
It’s pretty basic thinking and it works.
Keep it simple and more people can share it effectively. The second you begin to complicate it, people get consumed in “training mode” and they don’t take action as much as they could. “Training” is a nice place to hide when you don’t want to market and sell.
We keep our approach simple because “simple” can be done by many people.
We then train people to also be consistent.
When you have a large group of people keeping it simple AND consistent and getting a targeted message out in front of targeted groups of people, it’s amazing how fast it can grow.
So, if you’d like to learn how to simplify everything and create residual income month after month, just click here and get to know us.
"Never Give Up on Your Dreams" ~ Danna Cruzan
Monday, May 19, 2014
Did you know you can write off 50% of your FUN ?
Hey Everybody, it's Danna!
Did you know you can write off 50% of your FUN ?
Meals, Movies, etc..
BUT..You need to talk business within 24 hours of the Fun..
Start Saving money with TaxBot Now..
Reply to this email to find out how to start using TaxBot Today.....
P.S. Help 3 people save money with TaxBot and it is yours for Free!
"And the absolute fantastic thing about recording your expenses is that the app
does the calculations for enter in the entire receipt amount and boom...
does the calculations for enter in the entire receipt amount and boom...
TAXBOT does the rest!! OOOOO so sexy!!"
"Never Give Up on Your Dreams" ~ Danna Cruzan
Self reliance is everything!
Self reliance is everything.
If you're dependent upon someone else to generate income such as a private employer or corporation than you are building a house on shaky ground.
The only way to experience TRUE FREEDOM is to be self sufficient in your skill sets.
We can show you how at the:
When you understand and can implement proper marketing strategies you are truly free.
On an even higher level when you align yourself with my Simple Freedom Team you join a community of heart centered servant leaders who are out to impact the lives of thousands around the world with a message of SIMPLE FREEDOM.
We can show you how to enjoy true freedom in life.
I'll see you in school!
If you're dependent upon someone else to generate income such as a private employer or corporation than you are building a house on shaky ground.
The only way to experience TRUE FREEDOM is to be self sufficient in your skill sets.
We can show you how at the:
When you understand and can implement proper marketing strategies you are truly free.
On an even higher level when you align yourself with my Simple Freedom Team you join a community of heart centered servant leaders who are out to impact the lives of thousands around the world with a message of SIMPLE FREEDOM.
We can show you how to enjoy true freedom in life.
I'll see you in school!
"Never Give Up on Your Dreams" ~ Danna Cruzan
Creating a Freedom Based Lifestyle doesn't have to be complicated
Creating a Freedom Based Lifestyle doesn't have to be complicated.
It's actually pretty straightforward when you tap into the right:
- Team Culture
- Marketing System
- Opportunity
- Leadership
You just have to ask yourself whether you are ready to simplify the money getting freedom creation process.
If so head on over to my website:
And review a quick 5 minute video that explains my business model and who we are as a team.
Life changes when you do...
Take action now,
It's actually pretty straightforward when you tap into the right:
- Team Culture
- Marketing System
- Opportunity
- Leadership
You just have to ask yourself whether you are ready to simplify the money getting freedom creation process.
If so head on over to my website:
And review a quick 5 minute video that explains my business model and who we are as a team.
Life changes when you do...
Take action now,
"Never Give Up on Your Dreams" ~ Danna Cruzan
Friday, May 16, 2014
Anatomy Of An Entrepreneur - 12 Shocking Stats
On my journey of being a Freedom Preneur,
I decided to see what the actual stats about
others who have this same goal.
Do you want FREEDOM?
Are you an Entrepreneur or do you want to be?
I thought you might find this info interesting :)
These stats are based on a survey of 549 company founders across a variety of industries.
Here are 12 stats from the report:
Amazing stats, but they convinced me that I can do this! Better yet . . . .
1. The average and median age of company founders when they started their current companies was 40.
2. 95.1 percent of respondents themselves had earned bachelor’s degrees, and 47 percent had more advanced degrees.
3. Less than 1 percent came from extremely rich or extremely poor backgrounds
4. 15.2% of founders had a sibling that previously started a business.
5. 69.9 percent of respondents indicated they were married when they launched their first business. An additional 5.2 percent were divorced, separated, or widowed.
6. 59.7 percent of respondents indicated they had at least one child when they launched their first business, and 43.5 percent had two or more children.
7. The majority of the entrepreneurs in the sample were serial entrepreneurs. The average number of businesses launched by respondents was approximately 2.3.
8. 74.8 percent indicated desire to build wealth as an important motivation in becoming an entrepreneur.
9. Only 4.5 percent said the inability to find traditional employment was an important factor in starting a business.
10. Entrepreneurs are usually better educated than their parents.
11. Entrepreneurship doesn’t always run in the family. More than half (51.9 percent) of respondents were the first in their families to launch a business.
12. The majority of respondents (75.4 percent) had worked as employees at other companies for more than six years before launching their own companies.
After reading these I had HOPE. WHY? Because I realized that it didn’t take a college degree, rich parents or a long track record to become a successful entrepreneur.
It took desire, dedication, a plan and a vision….The rest follows.
So while I was researching every which way to become an entrepreneur I started to realize that….I didn’t want to do it on my own and start from scratch…I needed a system and something established that I could use the blue print…sort of like a Franchise, with much less cost.
Any guesses on what I chose?
You would also have access to this system,
right when you get Started: Join Here
right when you get Started: Join Here
Thanks for reading, I hope it sheds some light, gives you hope…or has you ask…
Connect with me on Facebook :)
On my journey of being a Freedom Preneur,
I decided to see what the actual stats about
others who have this same goal.
Do you want FREEDOM?
Are you an Entrepreneur or do you want to be?
I thought you might find this info interesting :)
These stats are based on a survey of 549 company founders across a variety of industries.
Here are 12 stats from the report:
Amazing stats, but they convinced me that I can do this! Better yet . . . .
1. The average and median age of company founders when they started their current companies was 40.
2. 95.1 percent of respondents themselves had earned bachelor’s degrees, and 47 percent had more advanced degrees.
3. Less than 1 percent came from extremely rich or extremely poor backgrounds
4. 15.2% of founders had a sibling that previously started a business.
5. 69.9 percent of respondents indicated they were married when they launched their first business. An additional 5.2 percent were divorced, separated, or widowed.
6. 59.7 percent of respondents indicated they had at least one child when they launched their first business, and 43.5 percent had two or more children.
7. The majority of the entrepreneurs in the sample were serial entrepreneurs. The average number of businesses launched by respondents was approximately 2.3.
8. 74.8 percent indicated desire to build wealth as an important motivation in becoming an entrepreneur.
9. Only 4.5 percent said the inability to find traditional employment was an important factor in starting a business.
10. Entrepreneurs are usually better educated than their parents.
11. Entrepreneurship doesn’t always run in the family. More than half (51.9 percent) of respondents were the first in their families to launch a business.
12. The majority of respondents (75.4 percent) had worked as employees at other companies for more than six years before launching their own companies.
After reading these I had HOPE. WHY? Because I realized that it didn’t take a college degree, rich parents or a long track record to become a successful entrepreneur.
It took desire, dedication, a plan and a vision….The rest follows.
So while I was researching every which way to become an entrepreneur I started to realize that….I didn’t want to do it on my own and start from scratch…I needed a system and something established that I could use the blue print…sort of like a Franchise, with much less cost.
Any guesses on what I chose?
You would also have access to this system,
right when you get Started: Join Here
right when you get Started: Join Here
Thanks for reading, I hope it sheds some light, gives you hope…or has you ask…
Connect with me on Facebook :)
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