Saturday, August 30, 2014

Are You Making a Mistake by Hesitating?

Do You Ever Ask Yourself That Question?  

Two days ago, I went to the beach.  I live in the mountains so it was about a 1.5 hour drive for me,
but there was a really GOOD reason to go....

Southern California was getting super HUGE waves due to a hurricane out in the ocean. 
Typically we have 2-4 ft waves but on Wednesday there were 10-25 foot waves!!!

Now I am a photographer so I absolutely had to go!!!

I decided to go to the Newport Wedge, where  I saw the biggest waves were being reported.

Did I hesitate?  NO

Were there obstacles, risks?  YES

There were over 1000 other people there wanting to see these waves. 
I knew traffic and parking were going to be awful...

But I had a Goal, a Mission and I was not going to let anything stop me.

I sat in traffic for over an hour to go 1 mile.  I drove around for 30 minutes looking for a parking spot, but still I was not deterred.  I wanted to get some GREAT photos and I wanted to experience something I had never experienced before!

Was it hard?  YES

Was it worth it?  FOR SURE IT WAS!!!!

If I hadn't gone, I would have missed out on the experience and all these great photos!

 You May be Wondering Where Am I Going with this?                                   
Well, it's about the opportunity I have been offering you all for awhile.

And ...  I am wondering why you are hesitating?

You are receiving my updates or seeing my posts because at one point you were
looking for something, looking for a change, looking for something more, looking
for a way to earn some extra money, looking for a home business to help you and 
your family....

So, what is making you HESITATE?

.... in taking a CHANCE on YOU?

in making a change, learning something new?

I would really like to know and would love it if you called me or responded to this
with the answers.  I can give you any information that you may be wondering about :)

You see....

you don't know me, but I was once where you are right now....

I care and I want to HELP you, like my friend and sponsor Dee Gabinet, helped me....
She changed my life.....

She helped me to BELIEVE in myself....

and that is what this is all about!

 and I know YOU want MORE
out of Life!

Look at this young man, he TOOK a Chance!

He committed and went over the top of that
wave, he stood up and showed the world that
he had confidence and belief and that he
would ride this HUGE wave?

Maybe he was scared, maybe he had never

rode a wave that big?

He did not HESITATE, if he would have he

would have missed the CHANCE to do it!

  The Result?

    He MADE it!  
He rode that HUGE wave and he
    didn't fall!

    You should have heard the huge crowd of

    onlookers cheering for him!

    He accomplished what he set out to do.....

I Want to Invite YOU to Take A Chance on You ......
It's SIMPLE and it's EASY!

Watch this 9 minute video, these 9 minutes can CHANGE your LIFE!

Next, if you have any questions, concerns after you watch the video, 
CALL ME, I am here for YOU... 760-662-8395

Don't worry about the Simple Freedom System, don't worry about anything, just watch it.


Don't miss out on something that has already changed over 2,500 lives of 

the people on our Team.  These are real people just like you, moms, dads, 
sisters, friends, fire fighters, teachers, coaches, military men and women, 
nurses, security guards, clerical workers, grandparents, retirees, college 
students, bartenders, waitresses and the list goes on and on.  YOU will meet 
these people, they will become your friends and your family, we are a TRUE   

NEXT STEP, go to and "JOIN US"....  
get the Platinum Package.  

I will call you to personally get you going as soon as I get the notification.

Our Company is legitimate, the executives running it have HUGE heart and 

integrity and it is changing lives and helping people meet their Goals and 

.....  and it can do that for you too!

The investment is small, under $100 to start a Business.  For that you get 
some AWESOME real products that you will use everyday, these are things 
that will benefit your life, save you money, help you to manage your money 
and make you money.  You receive step by step directions, personal coaching 
and leverage from the team, meaning that everyone above you only has one 
place to put the people that join them, under others.

What you will have to do?

Simply sharing this video with others...

It's just like telling someone about a great movie or restaurant
and we all do this often.

You can do this while working, even while doing another program...  
A hour or two a day will do it.

If you have any questions about products, the process, anything
at ALL, call me....  760-662-8395.

I am a real living breathing person that cares about helping others
and that means YOU!

So, go to  and let's get you started in
changing your life, let's set your goals, make a game plan to
make your Dreams a Reality!

I will see you on the inside.....

Don't HESITATE like you always do, $100 is worth taking a CHANCE
to CHANGE your life and make a difference to YOU and YOUR FAMILY!


Here to Serve and Assist,

Find me on Facebook

PS:  Remember if for some reason this is not for you after you join, 

you can simply cancel at anytime.

PSS:  Here is an Excellent video by WakeUpNow Master Distributor 

Brandon Boyd who has been with WUN since the beginning in 2009:

If Saving, Making, and Managing Money is important to you... pay attention 

to what he has to say and you'll SEE that by actually using 1 or 2 WUN 
Products you can quite literally make money every month... WITHOUT>>>>>> sponsoring anyone. Seriously...this is pure platinum level thought process.

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

The Law of Pure Potentiality

Take time to be silent, to just BE. Meditate for 30 minutes twice a day. 
Silently witness the intelligence within every living thing. Practice non-judgment. 
We have unlimited pure potentiality all around us. 
We need to be open and ready do not lock you into one thing. 
The universe is gives us the ability to manifest and do what we like we just have to know how to get it. 
There is unlimited pure potential.

The Law of Giving and Receiving 

Today bring whoever you encounter a gift: a compliment or flower. Gratefully receive gifts. 
Keeps wealth circulating by giving and receiving care, affection, appreciation and love? 
We have to have the ability to receive. 
When a person gives us something and we say no that is creating an imbalance. 
It is important to give every day: give thanks, gratitude, support, love freedom, what you can afford, time. 
All that you give you will receive back bigger and better than ever.

The Law of Karma

Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. 
Choosing actions that bring happiness and success to others 
ensures the flow of happiness and success to you. 
Everything you do has choices and generates that energy that will be returned to you. 
Before you do something .you can check to see if it is the highest and good for you and all. 
You will know if it is good if you feel good. 
If it feels like a knot in your belly after a choice that may not have been the highest and best. 
But each choice is a learning experience.

The Law of Least Effort

Accept people, situations, and events as they occur. 
Take responsibility for your situation and for all events seen as problems. 
Relinquish the need to defend your point of view. 
This one goes against what we have learned set a goal and work hard, 
spend a lot of time, you need work hard to get things...Wrong. 
The universe and nature finds the path of least resistance which is the least effort. 
We need to work smart and listen to the signs that the universe is giving us that are the path of least effort. 
When in a chaos do not get caught up in it and let it get to you take time and breath. 
Then just flow in the situation the outcome will be turn out better then you can imagine.

The Law of Intention and Desire

Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment. Make a list of desires. 
Trust that when things don’t seem to go your way, there is a reason. 
Set you intentions and desires and then let them be. 
You may really want one outcome and think that is the best 
but if it does not happen that is because there is something better for you. 
If you force it you may get it but you will not be happy or be what you thought it was. 
Set your intentions and desires for the highest and best for you.

The Law of Detachment

Allow yourself and others the freedom to be who they are. 
Do not force solutions—allow solutions to spontaneously emerge. 
Uncertainty is essential, and your path to freedom. 
This is also in the same vain as the 
law of least effort where you set your intentions and desires and the let them be. 
Do not force it and keep working at it you will be missing the real opportunities for that intention. 
Also as the law of intentions and desires does not become attached to one outcome 
becomes that may not be in the highest and best for you.
So you will get something better if 
you pay attention to the signs.

The Law of Dharma

Seek your higher Self. Discover your unique talents.
Ask yourself how you are best suited to serve humanity. 
Using your unique talents and serving others brings unlimited bliss and abundance.
When you live your life that everything you do is for the highest and best for you and all.
You will be the happiest and all of the other laws are working for you.
You know you are in this when you do little efforts and accomplish many things.

"Never Give Up on Your Dreams!
Let's Work Together and Make Them a Reality!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Newbies Rejoice! Veterans Prepare for MASSIVE Duplication!

Newbies Rejoice! Veterans Prepare for "MASSIVE Duplication!"

Listen to the Simple Freedom "Open House" hangout

for a look into one of the fastest growing teams
in the industry!

Why are we growing so fast?

How on earth are so many "newbies" getting quick results?

Why is there MASSIVE duplication and unheard of retention?

What's this FREE automated marketing system we're giving away for free?

Listen and find out

760 662 8395

p.s. Watch this 8 minutes direct to the "source"...

Ready to Get Results? -



There's something... inspiring, about a 22 year old that doesn't put himself first but instead has the GUTS to stand up and ask you if you're honestly living the lifestyle you want to.

Darren is retired and has retired his parents at 22 years old!  He lives in Hawaii and travels the world helping others achieve FREEDOM!

Click the picture below of Darren and listen to a quick video from him about how he did this and how YOU CAN TOO!

So, let me ask you are YOU honestly living the lifestyle you want to?

Are you?

If not... why not?

You wouldn't reading this or watching the video you just watched if you didn't want a change in your life!

Get inspired... make it happen because ...

I am Here to Help You!

Our Team of over 2,000 members are here to help you!


WakeUpNow can put you in the EXACT same position he's in now!
"Never Give Up on Your Dreams!
Let's Work Together and Make Them a Reality!

My Website
Work with Me
More Info

p.s. There is absolutely no guarantee of income implied or stated...

Only the guarantee that you will have the ability to transform yourself when enough action is taken consistently... on a daily basis.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The most important RANK you can achieve....

The most important RANK you can achieve....

Want to know what's the most important
position in our company??

It might surprise you that it isn't Executive where
the monthly residual income is over $100,000...

It's not even F4 monthly residual income of 5 figures...

(our FIRST ranked position).

D3 is when you have personally sponsored 3 people
into your business who maintain 90 points of personal
volume each month. So simple.

Most folks do this with our Platinum Package which gives
them great value and access to some pretty incredible resources
on a monthly basis... at $99/month price point.

Why is this position so important??

Because of the D3 $100 per month bonus that is paid out
which covers the cost of your personal membership thereby
in effect making it free to be in business.

This also gives folks the necessary confidence that they
can in fact make this business work.

In the grand scheme of things $100 really isn't a lot of money
but on a psychological level... it is a major breakthrough!

When you get enough people taking small daily steps towards
building their personal financial freedom... the leverage that
comes into play is actually rather significant.

It's how we have 20 somethings purchasing beautiful homes
and luxury vehicles because of the multiple tens of thousands
per month they are generating in residual income.

I'm all for the big upfront money that is available in lots
of other programs online but I have to tell you...

Getting someone started and seeing them grow from not believing
they were capable of any success online to building a full time
$5,000/month life changing monthly income... just rocks!

If you're someone who has never achieved success online
but still has a burning desire to #nextlevel your life...
I want to work with you.

You're going to have to put in some major hustle on a daily basis...
but if you do what my team and I have to teach you over the course
of the next 90 days... there is no doubt in my mind that you can quite
literally change your life.

Here's where you can get the specifics as to
what our business model consists of:

I'm looking to work with people who understand that
in order to get more out of life... more is required on a
personal basis.

Always onward,

"Never Give Up on Your Dream"
Let's Build Together and Make it a Reality!

My Website
Work with Me
More Info

p.s. There is absolutely no guarantee of income implied or stated...

Only the guarantee that you will have the ability to transform yourself when enough action is taken consistently... on a daily basis.

Monday, August 25, 2014

What is your Character Like?

What is your Character Like? 

Do you do the right thing when no one is watching?

3 Steps To Cultivating Strong Character

Identify people with characters you wish to emulate.


Meet with these people in your imagination, at least once per day, and state, (out loud) 

the qualities that you admire in them ->which you are now developing in yourself.

Find at least one good quality, in someone each day and sincerely praise it.

(from Napoleon Hill)

Remember, even when you think no one is watching, your actions always have an effect 

on you and your business and your future.....

Be a Better You Everyday 

"Don't Ever Give Up on Your Dreams"
Let's build them together and make them come true!

Work with Me
My Facebook Page
Danna Cruzan
Find Out More