Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ten Reasons to Start Your Own Business.....

Ten Reasons to Start Your Own Business

Whatever has held you back from taking the step of starting a business, the good news is, it's never too late. 

Whether good times or bad, new businesses can provide a product or service that is the right thing at the right time. If you've questioned whether you're ready to finally take a chance on yourself, here are 10 reasons to get you inspired!

1. You're Ready
The best reason to start a business is because you are ready. Sometimes taking that first plunge can be scary. Just remember, it's one foot in front of the other.

2. Having the ability to make a difference.
Starting a business can give you the ability to help others. You can teach others to duplicate what you do and they in turn can do the same. The rewards are so meaningful as this can CHANGE many lives.

3. Provide a Service People Want Right Now
If you've got a service or product that people are likely to use, then now is the time start that business—and watch it flourish.

4. You've Been Laid Off
With the unemployment rate persistently high, the odds of finding another job at the same pay are probably pretty low. If you've recently been laid off and you have the time, the work ethic, business idea and a place to work such as a home-office now is the time to start a business.

5. Tax Advantages

There are a MANY tax advantages to starting your own business. You can write off deductions for a home office, including business expenses such as supplies, telephone, internet, advertising, marketing materials, travel and meals.
With so many benefits to having your own home based business, there is no wonder why the internet industry has continued to soar over the past few years. All that is left now is for you to join the crowd and begin receiving the multiple benefits associated with owning a home business!

6. You Have Nothing to Lose
No matter what your profession, education or life experience, over the years, you've probably had a few ideas for businesses. Many ideas could be more simple than you realize and don't require enormous outlays of cash,
just good old fashioned dedication and effort. When you're doing something you love, the work no longer seems hard.

7. The Internet
Running a business online without having to deal with the hassle and expense of a brick and mortar store to providing online services, the Internet has made it virtually impossible not to succeed at some kind of business.

8. You're Underemployed
If you're working at a job where you are over qualified or you're working only part-time when you want to work full-time, you are underemployed. By starting your own business, you can better utilize your skills and talents and fill any downtime you have.

9. You're the Boss!
When you start a business you are the boss and no one can lay you off, fire you or tell you what to do. It's that simple and that wonderful.

10. You determine when you work and how much you make.
No more being paid less than you are worth, no more begging for a raise. If you educate yourself right, you can pretty much combine hard work + persistence = unlimited income.

Visit this link for a look at a great business that offers all of the above and is working for me and our team of over 3,000 individuals and families all over the United States and Canada.


"Don't Ever Give Up on Your Dreams!"
Let's work together and make them a Reality!

Call me at 760-662-8395 with any questions 

Connect with me on Facebook


Is THIS All There Is?

Look at this image, look at your state 

                   and tell me is this a livable wage?

Is this a livable income for you? or do you want more?

Do you want more out of your life and enough
to live the way you want to? 
to make your dreams reality?

It's fine if you have a job but everyone should also
have their own business.....

With your own business you have tax write offs
that W2 earners will never have....

Get your own business so you have a Plan B
so you have something to use for write offs
so you have an extra form of income
for savings, college for your kids, play money
for your future, for your retirement......

Send me a message and I will get you some info
that can help with all of those and more.....

Don't settle for what your job can give you

Danna Cruzan


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Danna Cruzan - I Can't is Gone from my vocabulary FOREVER!!

I Can't is Gone from my vocabulary FOREVER!!

Do you say I Can't?

It will never happen?

I will never be happy?

I am not good enough?

Well STOP saying those things.

If you say them, that is what will happen.  You bring the negativity to yourself.

Get on our daily mindset call and learn how to change this and stay positive and make wonderful things happen in your life!

No business mentions, no pitching, a SAFE place to be yourself and learn from others that are growing and developing to be better people!

Check it out :)

Info is listed below the video on you tube.

Stay Blessed,

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Troy Dooly Endorses Wake Up Now - WUN Corporate Conference 2014

You may be wondering, just who is Troy Dooly?

Troy Dooly is an Industry Expert and recognized internationally as an influencer in the areas of personal branding, leadership development, marketing campaigns, organizational expansion, and corporate launch strategies. 

Dooly is a speaker, results coach, and radio host. He is a founding member, show host (Beachside CEO) and News Director of the Home Business Radio Network. He is a founding member, and currently serves on the Board of the Association of Network Marketing Professionals.

Click here to watch and listen to the video below as Troy Dooly, industry expert and former Wake Up Now critic explains why he now endorses the company and why he thinks it's the future of the industry. This presentation truly impacted thousands of people in the audience to see the greater vision for WakeUpNow.

Troy was talking of the 50 year vision for WakeUpNow and endorses Wake Up Now because he believes where we are heading in this industry. Wake Up Now will go far and we are going to go to become one of the most known "ICONIC" companies that this industry will ever know!!!

Wake Up Now is the FIRST "Social Distribution Network" in the world!

Join us and enjoy making history, saving, managing and making money with us!!

Never Give Up On Your Dreams!
Let's Work Together to Make Them Reality!

Danna Cruzan

Call me at 760-662-8395 with any questions

Connect with me on Facebook
Danna Cruzan, POB 2418, Wrightwood, CA 92397, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Do you have a Slight Edge in Life?

You are probably wondering what is a Slight Edge?
The Slight Edge is a great book written by Jeff Olson.

It is about "Turning Simple Disciplines Into Massive Success"
This book is a GREAT read and will help you in everything, everyday life, your business, your job and it will even help
kids with school and sports.

It teaches you how to be the best and do the best by not ever giving up.

Doing tasks and assignments consistently will lead anyone to certain success...

You have to remember to NEVER EVER GIVE UP!

FREE GIFT for you, an online copy of the book, read it and enjoy and grow....

Once you get into the book you will see the amazing results people have achieved after practicing "The Slight Edge" and how it can help you too...

This person applied the principles to many areas of her life and you can see what it did for her!!!

Please read the book, it's here for you, just
Click here to listen to my video review of my thoughts on this book and go here for yourFREE Copy....

Share this with everyone and watch everyone attain the Success they have been craving for years!!!
I use the "Slight Edge" in my business and is has made a huge difference in my Success.  People that "Get" how this philosophy works come together and join like minded people to grow and help others, and that is what my business is all about...

Take Care,


Connect with me on Facebook, let's chat and get to know one another :)

or feel free to call me 760-662-8395


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Thunder is better than Red Bull...

Are you into Red Bull or Monster or other Energy Drinks?

We offer a more natural option for getting energy at a much lower price!!

.... and FREE shipping!!!

Thunder delivers a bolt of healthy energy, fortified with natural ingredients. In every berry-bursting taste, you get Thunder's powerful, ten-calorie, antioxidant-infused explosion of energy and health benefits. With Super-fruit aronia berries, green tea, and a load of B vitamins, Thunder brings strength and power to boost your metabolism, increase your body's ability to burn fat, and amplify your fire-born energy.

So when you're doing great things, make them greater. Crack open a can of Thunder and take the world by storm.

So when you're doing great things, make them greater. Crack open a can of Thunder and take the world by storm.

Some Great Ingredients:

Aronia Berry
The Aronia Berry has few calories but is a robust source of anti-oxidants. This berry is known to give essential nutrients and minerals while reducing the effects of many adverse health conditions.

Green Tea Extract
Green Tea Extract is another important source of anti-oxidants, which help reduce oxidative stress on the body—improving overall health and performance.

B Vitamins
B vitamins aid in many essential body processes. Thunder provides these vitamins to improve body function and health.

No Sugar
Sugar, though tasty, has many negative effects on the body. Thunder avoids sugar crashes while still taking the cake for taste.
10 Calories

You can even use our Thunder sticks and add it to a bottle of water!!!

Counting calories is stressful and hard for people trying to lose or maintain weight. Thunder gives you all the energy you need with none of the extra calories.

Click here goo.gl/rQ4w3H to set up a FREEcustomer account, once that is done, click on the WUN Select tab and click on Thunder, start saving some money and getting something much more natural!!! $2 a can with FREE Shipping!!!!
If you have any questions, please give me a call at

Email me at dlcruzan@gmail.com

Connect with me on Facebook!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Do You Have a Vision Board?

What is a Vision/Dream Board you may ask?
A vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a 

specific life goal. Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display 
images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life. (Note that in 
our ultra digital age, you can also create vision boards to display on your computer
screen and mobile devices.)  I used http://dreamitalive.com to create mine which 
you can see below.

What is the point? 

Simply put, we humans tend to be a very busy species and constantly 

bombarded by distractions. Making use of vision/dream boards serves 
several purposes, some of which include helping you to:

Identify your vision and give it clarity.
Reinforce your daily affirmations.
Keep your attention on your intentions.

Using a Vision/Dreamboard

Visualization will help push you in the direction of your dreams and simply 

following visualization techniques will certainly help you move forward. A 
Dreamboard acts to amplify the effects of visualization, giving you extra 
momentum as you engage all of your senses. Rather than having to repeat 
the process each day, you can create a Dreamboard to consult whenever it 
is necessary. You can complete an entire Dreamboard, or just create a single 
visualization for one goal. Either way, make sure to engage as many senses 
as you can, and truly attach the emotion.

To say “I want a better life” is a fine goal, but have you given serious thought to 
exactly what that means? Try to envision what your “better life” looks like. For 
those of us who find that somewhat difficult, making a vision board can be a 
tremendous help. In order to create my vision board, I must actively seek images 
that represent specific details of this wonderful new life. That means narrowing 
it down to specifics. For some, a better life might mean having a new car or home. 
Others may be seeking a new relationship or improvements in existing relationships. 
Doubtless you have heard it said that most of us never get what we want because 
we don’t know what we want. Making a vision board is a wonderful way to bring 
clarity to that general desire and turn it into an achievable goal.

The Law of Attraction is all about putting out what you expect to get back. 
Expect to     reach your desired outcome, and put the effects of visualization 
to work for you. Once you do, you will have the universe working with you to 
move towards your goals.

Finally, another key purpose that vision boards serve is to help you stay 
focused. It isn’t difficult to start each day with a positive attitude – until you 
get out of bed. 

How quickly that fresh “new me” attitude can sink back into oblivion 
beneath the tasks and challenges of everyday life. How can you possibly 
remain focused on any     goal while people and circumstances constantly 
pull you in dozens of directions at once? 

By using a vision board, of course! No matter what happens during your 
day, your vision board is a constant reminder of where you intend to be. 
Appealing to you on both conscious and subconscious levels, a vision 
board can work wonders toward keeping your mind focused on your goal, 
your attention on your intentions, and your life headed in the direction you 

Hope this helped you in some way :)

"Never Give Up on Your Dreams!"

Let's work together to make them a Reality!

Danna Cruzan

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Danna Cruzan - Using Tiny Videos to Generate Traffic, Leads and Sales

Video marketing and the power of the "social" web...

The Smooth Art of Using Tiny Videos to Generate Traffic,

Leads and Sales in Your Business!

Join us to tonight at 6pm PST / 9pm EST for

TNT Marketing Training: http://bit.ly/FreeMarketingTraining24-7

See you there!

