you might want to sit down.
I've been sharing lately about how we are
helping people create a residual income.
NOTE: Residual Income is income that requires you
to do the work ONCE and get paid OVER and OVER
and OVER again.
Maybe you thought about it for a while, but then
decided "nothing ever works for me."
Maybe you even watched a couple of the videos
I shared...but still you just couldn't make a decision
for whatever reason - fear or doubt crept in (as it always
does whenever you are facing to change anything in
your life for the better.)
For whatever reason, you just said ummmm, nah.
Nope. Nada. Not yet.
Now, this is the part that will probably upset you.
The following people didn't say no, didn't ignore the
message and are waking up today to an increase in
their bank account.
Our 600/Month Freedom Club Members Announced Today:
1. Xabelina and Alex - homeschoolers with the RV dream2. Miguel - a dad working 3 jobs and ready to spend more time at home with his family
3. Necole - working to retire her husband by October,2014
4. Could have been you
Our 100/Month Freedom Club Members Announced Today:
1. Teresa - just a regular country girl working to retire her husband asap2. Jim - has a heart as big as Texas and a dream that's even bigger
3. Rachelle - a young twenty-something girl recovering from major surgery and days in ICU
4. Wayne - soft-hearted grandpa who wants to leave a legacy to his grandkids
5. Steven - just quit his job two weeks ago to work full time from home because needed to breathe FREEDOM
6. Kimberly - homeschooling mom of 4 incredibly loving children, a hard working husband -- holding on to the RV dream
7. Edward - fellow online marketer who has always been a dream builder
8. Danna (yes this is me - works with wolves (not online silly) volunteers at a wolf rescue and is an avid photographer
9. Could have been you
We're not blowing smoke here...we're changing lives.
See for yourself ... watch our hangout from last night
and then let me know what you think...
let me know if you feel the passion and heart
from the panelists ``who shared their stories.
Would you like to be included on the list next`month...would you like to see an extra 500 bucks amonth in your bank account?
Then do this:
1. Watch the hangout here.
2. Click the Join Button at the bottom of the hangout
3. Shoot me a message to say "I'M IN!"
It's all up to you. We'll run with or without you.
See you on the inside,
Note: Income is never guaranteed, it is earned. But you can work smarter, not harder with us! —