Thursday, February 27, 2014



you might want to sit down.

What I'm about to tell you may be very upsetting.

I've been sharing lately about how we are
helping people create a residual income. 

NOTE: Residual Income is income that requires you
to do the work ONCE and get paid OVER and OVER
and OVER again.

Maybe you thought about it for a while, but then
decided "nothing ever works for me."

Maybe you even watched a couple of the videos
I shared...but still you just couldn't make a decision
for whatever reason - fear or doubt crept in (as it always
does whenever you are facing to change anything in
your life for the better.)

For whatever reason, you just said ummmm, nah.
Nope. Nada. Not yet.

Now, this is the part that will probably upset you.

The following people didn't say no, didn't ignore the
message and are waking up today to an increase in
their bank account.

Our 600/Month Freedom Club Members Announced Today:

1. Xabelina and Alex - homeschoolers with the RV dream
2. Miguel - a dad working 3 jobs and ready to spend more time at home with his family
3. Necole - working to retire her husband by October,2014
4. Could have been you

Our 100/Month Freedom Club Members Announced Today:

1. Teresa - just a regular country girl working to retire her husband asap
2. Jim - has a heart as big as Texas and a dream that's even bigger
3. Rachelle - a young twenty-something girl recovering from major surgery and days in ICU
4. Wayne - soft-hearted grandpa who wants to leave a legacy to his grandkids
5. Steven - just quit his job two weeks ago to work full time from home because needed to breathe FREEDOM
6. Kimberly - homeschooling mom of 4 incredibly loving children, a hard working husband -- holding on to the RV dream
7. Edward - fellow online marketer who has always been a dream builder
8. Danna (yes this is me  - works with wolves (not online silly) volunteers at a wolf rescue and is an avid photographer
9. Could have been you

We're not blowing smoke here...we're changing lives.

See for yourself ... watch our hangout from last night

and then let me know what you think...
let me know if you feel the passion and heart
from the panelists ``who shared their stories.

Would you like to be included on the list next`month...would you like to see an extra 500 bucks amonth in your bank account? 

Then do this:

1. Watch the hangout here.

2. Click the Join Button at the bottom of the hangout

3. Shoot me a message to say "I'M IN!"

It's all up to you. We'll run with or without you.

See you on the inside,

Note: Income is never guaranteed, it is earned. But you can work smarter, not harder with us! —

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

did you miss it? Here's your last chance...

Hey there it's Danna.

I don't know if you missed this
last week or not, but here's
what happened...

We got together and brought
out some teammates who just
flat out showed everyone on
our hangout exactly what they
did to create residuals last month.

And it blew people away!

It was concepts they'd never
heard of. Most of them had been
busy cheer leading for gurus...

...or being raked over the coals
and churned like crazy, losing
money hand over fist...

...and in one simple, heart felt
and NO HYPE hangout...

...they began to see the lies
for what they were and they 
saw the truth of how simple
this can be when...

Your team works together.

It's not complicated.

And I can help you.

The next step is simple:

1. Click this link at 9PM ET
and hangout with us and learn.

2. You'll know exactly what
to do on tonight's hangout.

3. If you have questions, reach
out to me and I'm here to assist you.

See you tonight.

This hangout is one you don't want to miss.

Click here at 9PM ET tonight
and just watch what happens...

To your success,


P.S. If you DID watch our hangout 
last week and you KNOW the kind
of results it generated...

...and you 100% are ready to position
yourself before anyone else joins us tonight...

and get started asap:

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Create Your "Heaven" with Your Mind!!

Have you ever thought about what your "HEAVEN" would look like?

All that you need in this life is around, only if you can only see it.
Your mind is the tool to create this. If you have always yearned to
be totally FREE, you can become so only if you are ready to create
that mindset of FREEDOM.

If you tell your mind that you want to be totally FREE to do what you
want, when you want, how you want, the mind will pop ideas that will
make you to succeed. Period. Just live in this mindset and it will happen.

Don’t give in to failure. If will knock at your door, don’t open it.
The only way to fail is to quit. Don't do it.

Watch this video, it's one of my favorites and I feel the BEST
motivational videos out there.

Whatever you do remember there are crop of people waiting to follow
you after you make the mark. It can be your family or …? 

When you arrive you can be proud of your success but don't forget to
pay it forward, help others, share what you have done, duplicate it with
a team so they too can have success.


>>>>   Just do it  

Hope you enjoyed this motivational email from me.

Ciao' for now,


Visit My Fan Page for More Motivational Tips

Monday, February 24, 2014

Big Dreams


The fact of life is that, everyone has big dreams, but not all comes into realization.  What you do to realize your dreams is what qualifies you as successful or not.

Every expectation big or small, needs to be realized, come what may. Once you have an  expectation, you have all that it takes to make it realistic amid all challenges.

What will make YOU stand out?  

The drive to drawing your virtual goals into “real life”. 

YOUR mindset . . . 

YOUR personal development . . .

What happens after you’ve lost hope? The next step is to rise up!  



Every dream which you anticipate to be too high can be achieved if you have the mindset to creating it and you MAKE it happen!

Success is not only having all the “resources”, but having the WILL and the BELIEF that you will achieve your Goals.  . You do what needs to be done without compromise!  YOU do what others will not do to achieve things others will not achieve!

I believe in you! I know that whatever dream you have, you can achieve it.  

Don’t say you can’t do it that is NOT AN OPTION!  

The only time you fail is when you QUIT!  Never give up on yourself or your dream.

Wonder what will happen if you decide to take action now, to become FREE from the chains of this economy  and live the life you’ve always wanted.

Make your days count, do something fabulous, help someone, serve someone, change their lives.

Do not waste your days!  WAKE UP and Change Your World, Change Others Worlds!

Follow my blog for more inspiration, motivation and Alpha Tips.

Ciao' for now,


Visit My Fan Page for More Alpha Marketing Tips

Ways to Add 'Social Selling' to Your Marketing Mix

The birth of social media has caused all marketing professionals to alter their old marketing techniques to new ways in order to churn their prospects into customers.

This is the age where the power of the market lies in the hands of the 'social media user' and not in the hands of the marketer. Thus, makes it sparsely difficult to fathom what your potential customers are thinking about or what they feel is ideal.

 A research firm named Forrester found that buyers today might be up to 
90% through their decision-making process before they even reach out to the 
vendor. This is a problem for all marketers because they must find new ways 
to become part of the process earlier, to become part of the conversation before 
the customer has already made up his mind.

Social selling has brought a paradigm shift; it helps you to engage in two-way
communication with customers and potential customers. By communicating with
audience via social media, which is ideal for millions, marketers can listen and
respond while giving helpful information. This would create relationships thus
creating sales.

Adding social selling to your marketing can be quite a hill to climb. With a great
number of marketers in the niche and millions of would-be customers, this would
be a day's job. But social selling goes beyond responding to posts and direct
messages; it means tapping into your valuable customer data and finding exactly
the prospects you should focus on.

Listed below the steps to making social selling easier:

1. Focus Your Efforts
Don't waste your time being on many social media platforms all the time. You
should do research to know who your target audiences are and their complaints,
then network with them and present your product as a solution to command sales.

2. Listen First
Social selling is unique from the old ways of marketing via traditional paid advertising,
cold calling or email. This requires a two-way conversation thus the marketer
should always listen first. During conversations, identify the problems among
your target audience, and seeing how they interact with others, marketers can
 have a better idea of how to network with their target audiences. You should
note the topics that drive the most conversation and how they respond to
questions or share their opinions freely.

3.  Speak Carefully
Offer something of value to your target group and refrain from direct sales pitch.
 When you do feel comfortable that you can offer something of value to your group.
Using social media as an advertising front, the most important thing is to earn trust.
Then, provide helpful hints and educational tips beyond your product sales to your
group to gain credibility. Once you achieve this, engage with your potential customers
by making a connection based on an issue or concern.

4. Be Consistent
In the age of auto-responders and automated phone trees, customers would appreciate
a personal response to their inquiry, and social media allows you to make a personal
connection. It is very important to maintain the same consistent message that your
potential customers have come to know and trust, just as you do on your website,
paid advertising and other mediums. Have fun, be creative and provide relevant
information when give the opportunity.

5. Provide Service Beyond the Sale
Most marketers stop interacting with their customers once there has been a sale.
Thus, providing helpful tips and ongoing support to your customers, you can
transform them to a battalion of loyal brand advocates that would recommend
your product to people in their social niches thereby continuing the word-of-mouth
cycle which can spur future customer acquisition.

Follow my blog for more marketing tips and ideas to help your business.

Ciao' for now,


Visit My Fan Page for More Alpha Marketing Tips

Ways To Build Trust With Your Audience To Command Sales

We all know that people do business with people they know, like and trust. 
Therefore one of our goals should be to develop abiding trust in our 
relationships with our prospects and customers. Doing this can transform 
your prospects to loyal customers, and customers to power-sales referral. 

Here are examples. 

When the rock band Radiohead released its most recent album online, it trusted 
fans to decide how much to pay. The band generated more revenue for that 
one album than for all its previous releases. 

The University of Michigan Health System(UMHS) risked legal liability by
encouraging its doctors to apologize when they made mistakes. 
Trusting that patient would be forgiving paid off for UMHS. The number of 
malpractice suits fee, so much so that other providers are taking the same approach. 

These are steps to building trust with your audience. 

1. Be Honest 

Whenever we create content, we have to showcase the truth at all times. 
Being honest demonstrates integrity, and thus goes a long way to establish 
cordial relationship with your prospects. One way to lose trust is to 
over-promise. In our quest to stand out from the competition, we don't want 
to risk having the customer feel that we have under-delivered. What about 
honestly stating what are strengths are .. and what our strengths aren't? 

2. Be Kind 

We can be kind to our audiences by sharing things of value to them. Instead 
of always sell,sell,selling, how about we set a strategic goal that- whenever 
possible- we will create pieces that are genuinely helpful to our audience? 

3. Be Courageous In the Face Of Bad News 

Be courageous in addressing the tough stuff. When we are tempted to avoid 
an issue posed by our prospects that criticizes us, or to make excuses, we 
tend to leave a finger print of bad image. This consequently affects our 
relationship with them thus affecting sales. During "bad" situations, try and 
face it squarely. This is what courageously honest people do. And human 
beings are deeply attracted to courageous honesty. Let's apologize and do 
everything we can to make things right all the time. 

In a nutshell, listening to your audience and going a little out of your way to 
do something small can go a long way. Like when a flight attendant who 
overhears it's a customer's birthday and makes a public announcement, 
the extra effort show to both the subject and the entire world that you care. 
Don't only be sales-conscious, but also try to demonstrate good ethics to 
your prospects and customers to show that they are important. 

I hope this has been helpful. 



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